An Altar Server is a young person that assists the priests and deacons during mass and other church celebrations. Requirements to be an Altar Server are any child in the 4th grade or above interested in serving the parish community. Training generally takes place twice a year.
Adult Altar Servers will serve the 9:30 am daily mass from Monday through Friday and at Adoration on Friday evenings at 7 pm. Instructions and schedules are provided..
If you or your child are interested in becoming an altar server, please contact the Parish Office.
The Cenacle of Divine Mercy is a group of lay people who meet to discover and share God's mercy in our lives and all those we come in contact with. They meet once a month in imitation of the meeting of the First Christians of the Cenacle.
The Cenacle of Divine Mercy is a group of people who are in an ongoing formation class after having been inducted as Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy.
Divine Mercy Novena -
Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Eucharistic ast Mass. Some also take the Eucharistic to the homebound at either a private home or the assisted living facilities in our area.
To join this valuable Ministry you can either contact the parish office or email Fr. Joseph Ho
The Parish Choir serves the church in providing music to enhance its liturgies and to foster and encourage active participation by the assembly during celebrations. In additional to Eucharistic celebrations, the choir has been afforded many opportunities to perform with professional musicians and orchestras for their annual Christmas Concert.
Interested in joining the choir? Please contact either the Parish Office or the Director of Music, Phillip Steffani
Readers perform the liturgical duties of Reader at mass.
To join this valuable Ministry you can either contact the Parish Office.
Ushers/Greeters greet people upon entering the church. One only needs to be a parishioner to join this ministry.
For additional information or to join this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.